Gyan Ganga English

Gyan Ganga English

Read Gyan Ganga by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj in English Language

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1. Boundaries of Worship (Preface)

  • Naam (Mantra) of which Ram (God) has to be Chanted ?
  • Important Information for those taking Naam

2. Creation of Nature

  • How were the Souls Caught in Kaal's Trap ?
  • Birth of Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji and Shri Shiv Ji
  • What are the Three Gunas ? - With Evidence
  • Brahm's (Kaal) Vow to Remain Unmanifested
  • ​​​​Brahma's Endeavour to Search his Father Brahm
  • Mother's (Durga) Curse to Brahma
  • Vishnu's Departure in Search of his Father Brahm and Being Blessed by his Mother Durga
  • The Establishment of ParBrahm's Seven Sankh Brahmands
  • Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy AtharvaVed
  • Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy RigVed
  • Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy Shrimad'Devi MahaPuran
  • Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy Shiv MahaPuran
  • Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy Shrimad'Bhagvat Gita Ji
  • Evidence of Nature's Creation in Holy Bible and Holy Quran Sharif
  • Nature's Creation in Worshippable Supreme God Kabir (Kavir' Dev) Ji's Sacred Speech
  • Evidence of Nature's Creation in Respected Garibdas Ji's Sacred Speech
  • Indication of Nature's Creation in Respected Nanak Sahib Ji's Speech
  • A Baseless Story of Nature's Creation by Other Saints

3. Who is the Master of the Lineage and What is He like?

  • Respected Dharmdas Sahib ji - Witness of Supreme God Kabir Ji
  • Respected Dadu Sahib ji - Witness of Supreme God Kabir Ji
  • Respected Malookdas Sahib ji - Witness of Supreme God Kabir Ji
  • Respected Garibdas Sahib ji - Witness of Supreme God Kabir Ji
  • Evidence of 'Supreme God Kabir Ji' in 'Guru Granth Sahib' by Respected Nanak Ji 
  • God Kabir Ji Explained Tatvgyan to Swami Ramanand Ji

4. Holy Scriptures also the Witness of KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir)

5. God Kabir Comes in all the Four Yugas

  • Manifestation of KavirDev (God Kabir) in Satyug by name Satsukrit
  • Manifestation of KavirDev (God Kabir) in Tretayug by Name Muninder
  • Manifestation of KavirDev (God Kabir) in Dwaparyug by the Name 'Karunamay'
  • Manifestation of God Kabir (KavirDev) in Kalyug

6. Identification of a Complete Saint (Identification of a Complete Saint from Holy Scriptures)

  • Evidence of Giving Naam Jaap in Three Stages

7. The Punishment of Tormenting a Saint

8. True Path to the Misled

  • God-Desirous Devotee Basant Singh Saini Getting the True Path
  • A Wondrous Miracle
  • God Did the Impossible
  • God Listened to the Poor
  • God Should Be Like This
  • Support to the Ruined
  • A Sant Should Be Like This
  • Releasing Own Devotee from Dharmraj's Court
  • Supreme God Making a Devotee Free From a Horrible Illness, Increases His Life
  • Curing the Eye of Bhaktmati Sushila
  • Only Supreme God Can End the Three Taaps (the three types of sufferings: physical, material, spiritual)

9. Conversation of God Kabir with Kaal

10. World-Victorious Saint (Under the leadership of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, Hindustan (India) will be Established as the World Religious Leader)

  • The Prophecy of “Nostradamus” about Saint Rampal Ji
  • The Prophecies of other Foretellers in the Support of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
  • A Brief Introduction of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

11.See the Photocopy for Evidence

12.Enlightenment of True Knowledge (What do the Scriptures tell about Supreme God) ? 

  • Who Delivered the Knowledge of Holy Gita Ji ?
  • Essence of Shrimad Bhagvat Gita
  • What are the Three Gunas? - With Evidence
  • The Essence of the Statements of Purans
  • Trigun Maya (Rajugun Brahma Ji, Satgun Vishnu Ji and Tamgun Shiv Ji) do not let a Living Being Get Liberated
  • Only Foolish People Worship other gods (Rajgun Brahma Ji, Satgun Vishnu Ji, and Tamgun Shiv Ji)
  • The Result of Sadhna According to the Four Holy Vedas is Only Attainment of Heaven-Great Heaven, Not Salvation
  • Way of Worship Opposite to the Injunctions of Scriptures is the Cause of Decline
  • Those Who Carry Out Shraadhs (Worship the Pitras/ Deceased Ancestors) Will Become Pitra; They Do Not Attain Salvation
  • Only AfterAttaining Tatvgyan Bhakti Begins
  • The Venerable God of Brahm, the Giver of the Knowledgeof Gita, is Purna Brahm
  • The Worshipper of Brahm Attains Brahm and the Worshipper of Purna Brahm Attains Purna Brahm Only
  • Brahm's (Kshar Purush) Worship is Anuttam (Bad/Inferior)
  • Resolution of Doubt  Information about the Tradition of Gaddi (native seat) and Mahant
  • Information about the Places of Pilgrimage (Teerth / Dhaam)
  • What is the Definition of Heaven?
  • Indication of the Origin of Brahm (Kaal), the Giver of the Knowledge of Gita
  • God Kabir's taking Vibhishan and Mandodri in Refuge-329  Taking Indramati in Refuge in Dwapar Yug

13.The Secret of the Holy Purans

14.Subject of Scriptural Debate

15.True Path to the Misled

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